
Drainage Solutions: French Drains, Surface Drains and Area Drains, Channel Drains, Dry Creek beds, Decorative Downspouts, Land Grading and more

Drainage Solutions

No matter your drainage needs, our experts are here to discuss with you the best solutions for your property.

Drainage Solutions: French Drains, Surface Drains and Area Drains, Channel Drains, Dry Creek beds, Decorative Downspouts, Land Grading and more

French Drains

If you have an area of your lawn that has continual standing water or stays soggy, you may need a French Drain. A French collects sub-surface and surface water and diverts it away from your home or property. A French drain is installed by excavating the soil and hauling it off of your property. We will then place a perforated PVC pipe in the trench that slopes towards the desired exit.

The PVC pipe will be wrapped in a filter sock to prevent debris from entering the pipe. The trench is then backfilled with gravel. The groundwater will gravitate to the more porous rock, enter the pipe and flow downstream.

Drainage Solutions: French Drains, Surface Drains and Area Drains, Channel Drains, Dry Creek beds, Decorative Downspouts, Land Grading and more

Surface Drains and Area Drains

Surface drains are used when an area of the lawn holds water. Simply put when you have an area in your lawn that stays saturated even when it hasn’t rained in a week. You likely need a French Drain. If you have an area of your yard that has standing water issues only after rain you need a surface drain. A surface drain is a solid PVC pipe with catch basins that remove surface water.

Our team has the expertise to properly identify which drain is right for you as well as determine the right diameter of pipe needed to ensure your system will keep up with the 100-year rainfall. Surface drains are often used in situations where homes flood during heavy rain events.

Drainage Solutions: French Drains, Surface Drains and Area Drains, Channel Drains, Dry Creek beds, Decorative Downspouts, Land Grading and more

Channel Drains

Channel drains are concrete or steel drains used to quickly evacuate a flow of surface water. These systems are often used on driveways, patios, garages, and around swimming pools.

These drains are installed to be aesthetically pleasing as well as for efficiency and durability, giving a residential drainage system the strength of an industrial drainage system.

Drainage Solutions: French Drains, Surface Drains and Area Drains, Channel Drains, Dry Creek beds, Decorative Downspouts, Land Grading and more

Other Drainage Options

In addition to French drains, Channel Drains, and Surface Drains we offer other custom solutions for getting rid of excess water on your property. Here are some other options